Took a train to one of those campground / recreation areas where people live in cabins & trailers for the summer. Once there, problems arose between campers who didn't get along & such. But it got deadly - Ray T was out to kill me. Fortunately, he wasn't very competent. There was a security force there & they were a bunch of wanna be militia guys strutting around in fatigues, riding in Jeeps & toting shotguns. All necessary when dealing with summer campers.....
Well, maybe so because some camper developed a murderous clone and, while the campers destroyed it, he made another & another...
Management called out the security force on their frivolous behavior & campers tried to evacuate but we couldn't get the train going. Trying to cooperate, the campers were constantly squabbling like characters in a cheap zombie movie.
I remember finally getting out on the train & rolling past the offices where the security force was sitting around on lawn chairs looking real dejected.
Only problem - Ray T was on the train & still out or blood.
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