Busy night.
I could drive so drive I did. I was driving all over town. I was about to go home but decided I'd drive some more. At one point I got out in a fairly urban area. I might have been going to a public restroom. In a modern well lit hallway 2 guys blocked me and tried to mug me. the taller one had a small cheap gun. The 2 guys were arguing with themselves as much as challenging me. The big guy dropped the gun, I picked it up & shot him in the head with it. It was a tiny bullet and barely went into his head. The gun refused to fire again so I dropped it and ran back to the car & took off.
Later in the evening I went to a party at a nice country club in Kentucky. It was some sort of organization's party. Police? At one point someone informed the police chief that they were out of bullets. Bill Bixby was there. He was clowning around pretending to have chest pains. He wasn't clowning tho. Later he had a heart attack.
I was having trouble standing & walking. I was about to leave when guests noticed a couple of bald dwarves dead in what appeared to have been an embrace on a blanket in the grass. One looked like a Hare Krishna. Their clothes were disarranged. they were attracting flies.
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